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Kundalini Yoga consists of simple yogic techniques that can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter your age or physical ability. It is a complete yoga practice that includes breathing exercises (pranayama), yoga postures (asanas), chanting (mantra), meditation, and relaxation. It is designed to provide you with the experience of your highest consciousness through the raising of your kundalini.


The word ‘kundalini’ literally means ‘the curl of the lock of hair of the beloved.’ It is a metaphor, a poetic way of describing the flow of energy and consciousness that already exists within each one of us. In yogic teachings, kundalini is a force that can lie dormant at the base of the spine. We ‘raise our kundalini’ by awakening the flow of energy within the body through breathing exercises, movements, and focused awareness.


The result varies for different people – some may literally feel physical flows of energy within the body, and some may just feel a lifting of spirits and lightness of being after practice.  At its essence, the techniques in Kundalini Yoga helps you to connect more deeply with yourself, and become more fully present and aware in each moment.



There is heavy emphasis on breath in Kundalini Yoga.Each posture comes with specific breath patterns, and we always open class with a pranayam (breathing exercise) to open the lungs and clear the mind. Breath provides power for you to go deeper into a posture allowing for you're energy to be transformed.


Every class incorporates mantras - chanting and singing sacred words we use sound as a tool to experience the present moment and shift out of negative thought patterns. Chanting lifts the spirit and aligns your mind with vibration of the Divine.

Dynamic Movements

Each Kundalini Yoga class incorporates a kriya, a series of postures for a particular effect. Your experience will vary greatly from class to class depending on what kriya Basantprem decides to teach that day. Movements range from repetitive flexing of the spine, to more familiar postures such as downward dog to lying on the floor and laughing. Expect the unexpected.

Inward Gaze

We close our eyes and turn our focus inward during many exercises. You may be directed to focus your gaze toward the 'third eye', between the eye brows. This helps focus the mind and brings us to a more present state of being. 


Every class includes meditation, ususally at the end of the class after the relaxation component following the kriya. Kundalini meditations are quite varied, and often incorporate a specific breathing exercise, mantra and mudra (hand position). In our classes meditation ranges from 3 to 31 minutes. 


Everything we do in class is designed to open the flow of energy within the body. This allows us to become more physically fit, release stagnant emotions, and open up to new levels of vitality and creativity. each kriya balance different chakras (energy centers) and helps to increase the flow of prana (life force). Exercises incorporate bandhas (body locks) in order to enhance postures, align ourselves, and direct the flow of energy in the body.

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