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Recent News and Events

Starting Sunday February 10th, I am holding an online Facebook Closed event for 40 days. The Subagh Kriya for Radiance and Prosperity. If you would like to join please connect with me so I can invite you into the closed group. You have options. You can simply watch this video and do it yourself or join the community of people doing it as well.  Contact me for more details.  Options to do the meditation with me live @ 6am is available. Much love and blessings, Angela 

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"Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga, taught us that Women are natural leaders—whether we are leading in the workplace or at home, as yoga teachers or in our spiritual communities. For this reason, he taught us ways to connect deeply to ourselves. This is our brithright and our true gift to navigating a time which is more chaotic in energy, fast paced and information overwhelming. Our life is based on an inhale and exhale. He challenges us to delve into our psyche to understand our hidden agendas, our strengths, and our challenges. By doing so, we understand ourselves better and are more prepared to help and lead others. If we tapped into our intuition and divine power Yogi Bhajan believed we would uplift and inspire all those in our lives."

We begin this new Curriculum Saturday January 25th @ 10am and completing 8 weeks. Join me as we embrace opportunities for Growth.

Where: Prem Studio (Side Door Entry)

Time: 10:00 am to 11:15am

Price: 8 weeks @ $96.00 or $12.00/week

Potential Benefits

  • Improved Clarity and Focus   

  • Strengthen your royalty and radiance

  • Exert a magnetic presence and command respect

  • Feel more confident              Just to name a few!

"The Kundalini is known as the nerve of the soul. This is to be awakened. When soul gets awakened, there remains nothing... If your soul is awakened, what else do you need? YB

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March is another month of me opening my heart and my door to all new comers who have been resistant to try this amazing technology for either time or money. For the whole month of January if you have never graced  your presence to the studio before this free pass is for you. Come and join all the beautiful souls who are intent on making love and bliss a daily experience.   

Potential Benefits include:

  • Deepening the inner experience

  • Tuning to the naad experience within

  • Expanding the neutral mind

  • Experiencing a deeper level of Infinite Support

  • Feeling of more balance and groundedness

Contact me for more information. 

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